What is “The Virtual Edge?”
Simply put “Your Unfair Advantage”
We offer website/blog design, photography, online video, digital imaging, photo retouching, graphics, banner design, promotion, writing, editing, PowerPoint presentations, and much more.
Your Unfair Advantage
No matter what kind of business you have – big or small – you can get the unfair advantage we refer to as The Virtual Edge over competing businesses. We consider business a game and we play to WIN, in turn generating business for our clients. In business there are usually other companies wanting the same thing. We like to use the analogy of a sled dog team. There can only be one lead dog, as the other dogs are only following the lead. We like the lead dog view as he can see everything – the others are simply looking at dog BUTT.
Featured Virtual Edge Customer: Moonstone Timber Frame
Moonstone Ontario, Canada
This site contains animations, video and an extensive photo gallery of projects by Moonstone Timber Frame, The current site has been modified a few times a year to feature new employees and new projects.
Although we made an initial trip to Moonstone, Ontario near the Barrie – Georgian Bay area, we have not seen the nice people at Moonstone Timber Frame in person since 2003. With the Internet, email and the telephone we are connected and make any changes or additions from anywhere in the world.
Virtual Edge Communications has dealt with people 20 minutes away or a continent away simply by telephone and email. If you would like to meet for a coffee to discuss our services, we would be happy to oblige. Virtual Edge Communications has done work for people throughout the USA – with many customers in California, Canada, UK, New Zealand and even down under in Australia.
Virtual Edge Communications uses software from Microsoft, Adobe, Corel and many others which are compatible with what companies and offices use today.
We love jobs where we work with the client to produce the final website, PowerPoint, or design. We even offer tips on how you can save money by providing information to us in electronic form. The more you do, the more you can save $$$. If you are pressed for time and have a good budget, we can do all the work, getting approval as the work progresses. Payment can be made by PayPal.
What tools do you mostly use?
Our eyes, ears, brains, and artistic talent combined with technology to reach the goals we set. We prefer to deal with goal-oriented businesses and individuals. Our success is based on your success!
What makes Virtual Edge Communications experts?
Our foundation is commercial photography and graphic design. Commercial photography’s main intent is to generate exposure and/or revenue for those who purchase it. Our graphic design background has been through hands-on participation in various forms of advertising including newspaper and magazine work, as well as product catalogues. Printed advertising is composed of three elements: photographs, graphics, and text. Successful campaigns combine all these effectively. People think in pictures and photographs, graphics, and the use of colour to grab customers’ attention. The text or words help support the visuals.
We find websites can outperform the three elements of printed pieces (photographs, graphics, and text). Websites often include photographs, graphics, and text; but can also include animation, sound, video, forms to collect information, and the ability to make changes with little to no expense. Use of the Internet connects you to the world instantly. Coupons can be listed on websites for download, costing the website owner nothing for ink and paper.
Where do you start when considering a website for a new business?
We define where you are now and where you want to be with your business. We review your abilities, assets, products, services, business name, and market. We have had clients sometimes change their business name to better reflect what they do. We also try to see your way of thinking and occasionally change the way you see things.
Where do you start when considering redesigning a website for an existing business?
This task is like renovating an old house (been there – done that). You have to decide what goes, what stays, and what can be reworked. A website plan is like a blueprint and is a wise investment in order to focus on the job at hand. Next, the concept: colour, layout, and navigation structure have to be approved. Once this timely process is completed the rest just flies together. A good design will facilitate structural changes and possible additions. Most often quality photography can improve the overall look of the site. People are wowed on the Internet by photos and graphics. High quality photographs will make them spend some time on your site.
Why have you had many websites featured in the media – such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television?
If you create an interesting story, it attracts media attention. We like to attract this kind of attention for our clients and usually buy out the newspapers from the corner store when we help a customer have success.

Waterfront Promenade Gallery – Artist Walk Outside (weather permitting)
Ric Wallace will have two 10′ x10′ tents setup west of the White Rock Museum or in front of the Museum under the Artist Walk program weather & his time schedule permitting.
Any business willing to help display some of the canvas prints of Ric Wallace with all funds going to the artist will receive FREE exposure on,,, and few more sites.
Follow us on TWITTER @BCwhiterock
8″x 8″ acid-free matted print of Edgar Allen Crow in a 12.25″ x 12.25″ black aluminum frame (ABOVE)
8″x 8″ acid-free matted print of Edgar Allen Crow in a 14″ x 14″ black MDF frame (BELOW)
Just the 8″x 8″ print – $19 all taxes included.
Both of these ready-to-hang framed prints are in stock and ready to purchase from
White Rock Promenade, White Rock, bc V4B 0A1
The White Rock Zone encompasses business listings and features things to do and see inside and outside the White Rock zone. We call this “Thinking Inside and Outside The Rock”!
About White Rock…
White Rock is a unique destination for tourists and shoppers alike, with many options for fun, entertainment, exercise, and amazing photo opportunities. The large selection of restaurants will satisfy any palate, and foodies will return wanting more.
If you’re a seeker of sunshine, White Rock is the place to be. Known as “The Hole in the Sky” by pilots flying overhead, White Rock gets the most sun of anywhere in the lower mainland. While other areas may be under cloud cover, the sun is likely to be smiling on The Rock!
About the rest of the White Rock Zone…
We understand that not everyone in the northwest can be at White Rock Beach at the same time. And we are encouraging people to visit other locations in The Zone, all within a two-hour drive or less of White Rock, encompassing the BC lower mainland, Vancouver Island, and northwest Washington State as far south as Seattle.