BLAINE – The City Council is moving toward letting voters decide in November whether to change their town’s name to Blaine Harbor. The City Council voted 5-1 Monday, May 12, to pave the way for doing so, with Charlie Hawkins voting no and Harry Robinson absent.
I am the webmaster for & I would like to help make the idea of Blaine WA changing its name to Blaine Harbor become a REALITY. I would suggest people start using the Blaine Harbor name for their mail and businesses right away. Your mail is delivered by your ZIP CODE, so you will get it from the USPS. Form a committee and give it a name – maybe The Blaine Harbor Task Force. (Anything you want). Start listing the benefits of the name change.
I will offer FREE promotion on our sites to people or businesses that start using the Blaine Harbor name as Blaine Harbor Goodwill Ambassadors.
You must be using the Blaine Harbor name online to be listed on our sites for FREE.
Businesses listed after the official name change will have to pay for their listings. & receives no funding from the city of White Rock, BC, the White Rock BIA or the government of British Columbia or the government of CANADA, and we can do what we want, when we want. We have helped places like Exeter and London, Ontario Canada get international exposure for FREE using NO TAX dollars.
We love Blaine WA and have NEVER had a bad experience with the friendly people there. I do not need ID at Edge Logistics in Blaine. Currently there is little reason for people to stop there and Blaine is losing business to Bellingham. (We love Bellingham too and listen to KISM radio.) Many people going to the USA from Canada think Blaine WA is just the border crossing connected to I5. There is a small city worth while visiting. People are always in a hurry to get to Bellingham or Seattle WA.
Today I was surveying people about the possibility of White Rock, BC officially changing their name to White Rock Beach as people come here for the beach where the big White Rock is. About 80% percent of the people we talked to thought it was a good idea. A few seniors said they should leave things the way it is. One person said they should move the 486 ton White Rock uptown as we are known as White Rock and not White Rock Beach. A few people said scrap the White Rock name and just make it South Surrey in order to lower the property taxes and give people better tasting water to drink.
If White Rock was to change their name to White Rock Beach and Blaine becoming Blaine Harbor, our border towns could get millions of dollars of FREE exposure in the media. We could crash social media!!!
I (Ric Wallace, author of 4 books) am the MASTER of FREE EXPOSURE. I have been seen by over 200 Million people on TV in Canada, USA, UK, etc. I will be in a publication on July 10, 2014 which is found in every major grocery store, drug store, etc in North America and maybe other countries where I am trying to get White Rock Beach mentioned. With this publication having a circulation of over one million, this exposure could lead to Good Morning Seattle or Good Morning America could be months away. I have been in hundreds of newspapers in Canada, USA, etc as well as radio stations. I have a few irons in the fire to get White Rock Beach more FREE publicity. I have been in contact with a major film production company in New York city as they wanted to do a story on me in White Rock Beach, BC (NOT White Rock, BC). The 61+ White Rock Beach postcards and greeting cards are getting world exposure for White Rock Beach. I have the ability to see what others do not, and in turn can translate this into $$$.
The idea of 2 border towns changing their names could become a positive thing. In the 3 years we have lived at White Rock Beach, we have seen about a dozen business closures in White Rock with many on Marine Drive. With more business currently for sale on the waterfront than I have fingers to count, some fresh ideas could turn into dollars. In a tough economy you have to come up with creative ideas to attract visitors with money to spend.
Make the story interesting and the media will be tripping over each other to get the story. Having the supporters of Blaine Harbor WA, someone on your team in CANADA and owner of, maybe seen as a competitor, will get people talking. I am willing to talk to the media to explain why this is good idea from a Canadian point of view. Helping promote the opposite view will get people talking. Encourage comments from everyone. Help bring to light the real stupid comments.

Old, torn and sometimes photos in two or more pieces can be restored to their original state or better. Ric Wallace does a high resolution scan from your original image and electronically uses a computer to do the retouching and corrections. High quality photographic prints can be obtained from the computer file. The computer file can be supplied on CD/ DVD, USB, or downloaded from the internet to ensure exact copies can be made for years to come, with no loss in quality like prints made from negatives which will degrade over time.
Come up with some creative ads for promoting in print, radio and billboards in BC. . .
- If your view is ever obstructed by a White 486 ton rock anywhere in Blaine Harbor , we will refund 100% of your vacation stay.
- Blaine Harbor promises never to sell gas in litres like in White Rock, BC.
- You will not find Kilometers in Blaine Harbor; we don’t want them.
- You will not find Kilometers in Blaine Harbor; what is a kilometre?
- The only thing missing from Blaine Harbor is U – we will not get upset if Canadians spell it Blaine Harbour. LOL
- The best view of White Rock Beach is from Blaine Harbor, WA. Don’t take our word for it; check it out for yourself. We are just off I5.
- Blaine Harbor can help you turn your CDN money into real United States Dollars, cool stuff, or treats. LOL
- Why are there so many British Columbia plates in Blaine Harbor ? Is it the cheaper gas, milk, tax, etc?
- Why are there so many British Columbia plates in Washington? The answer is in Blaine Harbor.
- Friends do not let friends pay $1.51 a litre for gas – Come to Blaine Harbor and save a few bucks!
Google me – “Ric Wallace” – and see if you believe what I can do.
Think of Blaine Harbor as Blaine Version 2.0. Changing the name to Boat Harbour (just an example) would lose all the Blaine history and could be deemed an insult to the founders. Anyone not knowing of the name change will think Blaine Harbor is near Blaine. Blaine Harbor sounds like a cool destination. Making it a COOL destination will be a cash cow. With current milk prices, Canadians will be spending their MOO-LAH there. If Blaine was to get a new name like Blaine Harbor, it could attract investment in Blaine and more development at the waterfront. People have complained that all the crests for police, fire etc would have to be changed. These could be collector items on eBay. WINK WINK
Just imagine offering a special discount for White Rock residents (or BC): Show us your White Rock, BC driver’s licence on Mondays (or any slow day of the week) and save 10%, buy one get one FREE ice cream, etc. Ric Wallace of Virtual Edge Communications ( has even made a few investments out of his own pocket ($$$) to help the Blaine Harbor idea and wants to work with people who want this name change to be a reality.
Come to White Rock Beach, BC and buy me a drink or coffee and I will tell you how you can compete with White Rock Beach and even partner with us. (You have lower taxes, free parking, cheaper gas, cheap dairy prices – WINK WINK.) I will even share the problems White Rock businesses are facing so you do not make them.
The best place to watch the Blaine Harbor fireworks is from White Rock Beach. Having some friendly competition between the two cites could be fun and profitable for everyone. I cannot understand why no one has presented this idea before. In 2011 I submitted a report to the city of White Rock suggesting they partner with Blaine (nothing yet has materialized).
The cities of Detroit Michigan and Windsor Ontario Canada have International Freedom Festival with both cites benefiting from the tourism.
Having travelled extensively throughout Canada and the USA, I have seen many small towns enjoy success while others become ghost towns. Any name change does not have to be done overnight and can be phased in. Any members of Blaine city council interested in this idea, I would love to meet with them. I am planning on logging over 1,250,000 visitors on my sites for the month of July 2014. My sites had over 1.25 million visitors for the year of 2012. Exceeding this for the month of July alone, this is a goal I’ve set. Don’t think it can be done? Get out of my way and I’ll do it.
I have helped many people and businesses with promotion. One company went from ZERO sales to $10 Million in two years and almost went bankrupt because they could not handle the business. If you want to have PROOF the Blaine Harbor idea will work, create a discount coupon for your product or service which I will link off our sites.
Interested in offering a Blaine Harbor discount or special deal to people in THE ZONE for FREE?
Showing your city council coupons people have printed out and redeemed at your business using the Blaine Harbor name will make this a REALITY. You can also include (AKA Blaine, WA).
The bottom line is: increasing tourism or just people stopping by your city will help everyone in Blaine Harbor!
All we need are 5 to 10 movers and shakers in Blaine Harbor to make this happen.
Think this is a stupid idea???
SLAM me on TWITTER: @BCwhiterock @VirtualEdgeCA

Follow us on TWITTER @BCwhiterock
Like the idea? Let me know: @BCwhiterock @VirtualEdgeCA
Want to spy on the competition? Come to White Rock Beach, and I will be your personal tour guide.
Blaine Harbor and White Rock Beach working together could boost the economy for both cities.
I treat business like a game – if you Google “Ric Wallace” you will find I play to WIN.